WereTwins: A 7 Book Paranormal Romance Box Set Read online





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  About This Collection

  The only thing better than one hunky shapeshifter is having two TWIN shapeshifters to enjoy at once. This box set is a collection of 7 steamy “WereTwin” romances with something for everyone.

  This includes WereWolves, WereBears, WereDragons, WereTigers, WereLions and more...

  All of these books have been top 10 bestsellers in their category on Amazon with some even being #1 bestsellers!

  And do not forget, each book can be read standalone so you will never be left hanging!

  This is your chance to own them all for one LOW price! No catches!

  The 7 BREATHTAKING Paranormal Menage Romances included in this collection for you are...

  (Warning: All these books contain scenes of a sexual nature and will feature menage scenes too. )

  Book 1: Her Dragon Twins by Serena Rose

  Book 2: Her Alpha Twins by Jasmine White

  Book 3: Her Panther Twins by Maria Amor

  Book 4: Her Tiger Twins by Bonnie Burrows

  Book 5: Her Polar Twins by JJ Jones

  Book 6: Her Bear Twins by Amy Star

  Book 7: Her Lion Twins by Lilly Pink

  Table Of Contents












  Copyright ©2016 by Serena Rose

  All rights reserved.

  About This Book

  After a family tragedy, Billionaire WereDragon Twins Garret and Morgan found themselves in a tricky situation. Having never found a mate, it was decided that they would have to enter into an arranged mating.

  This was something that neither dragon desired and so they had to find a mate of their own and fast.

  However, when both Weredragons took a liking to the voluptuous Seraphina they knew they both wanted her. Yet they did not have any time to compete for her.

  So the only solution was for both to have her as a shared mate.

  Now Seraphina is about to find herself caught in between two dragon twins, in more ways than just one...

  This is a paranormal menage romance with the perfect mix of sensual scenes alongside an intriguing plot full of excitement and adventure!


  Garrett sighed as he sat down next to his brother on the living room couch, wishing that the meeting could be over already. It had been almost a month since their mother passed away, and both he and his twin knew that a visit from the elders wouldn’t be far behind—though he wasn’t sure what, exactly, the elders wanted to discuss. “What do you think it’s going to be?”

  Morgan shrugged.

  Not for the first time, Garrett picked out the few differences between the two of them, amid the more startling—to other people, at least—similarities. Morgan’s face was slimmer than Garrett’s, his eyes turned down at the corners instead of canting up. They’d worn their dark hair differently ever since they’d first had the opportunity to choose their own haircuts as children. At the moment, Garrett’s hair fell to the collar of his shirt, while Morgan’s was clipped short, the sides buzzed and the top choppy.

  Where Garrett tended towards jeans and tee shirts, Morgan made the effort to look more put-together. He sat at one end of the couch, wearing a cardigan and tailored slacks, looking as if he’d just walked off a prep school campus. No wonder the elders like him better than me.

  “Either they want us to donate a bunch of money to the panic fund, or they’re after us about the fact that neither of us is mated,” Morgan replied.

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” Garrett said, shaking his head. “Because as we all know, nothing gets the motor running like the death of a family member.”

  Morgan snorted. “They’ll argue that we should have mated years ago,” Morgan pointed out. “And technically they wouldn’t be wrong. Mom was the only thing that made it okay for us to both be single.”

  “As long as she kept pretending to try and negotiate a match for us, they all stayed off our backs,” Garrett agreed. He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. “I hope it’s the first thing.”

  “What are the odds?” Morgan looked at Garrett blandly. “The panic fund is as full as international banking laws will allow.”

  “Maybe they found a loophole,” Garrett said hopefully.

  “It’s going to be about mates, you might as well get ready to negotiate.” Morgan scrubbed at his face as he spoke. “We may not like the idea of an arranged match…”

  “We are not giving into an arranged mating,” Garrett told his brother firmly. “They’ll hand us off to some forty-year-old former hellion with only about three eggs left in her ovaries.”

  “There are young women on the market too,” Morgan countered. “If we come into the situation strong…” he shrugged. “Maybe we can even get our pick of lady.”

  “Right—like the elders would do that,” Garrett said dryly. “Hell, half of them want us for their own daughters or nieces.”

  “Or granddaughters,” Morgan agreed. “They’ll be here any minute. Do us both a favor and hear them out before you start telling them off.”

  Garrett took a deep breath, trying to contain his impatience. When they’d gotten the letter advising them that the elders wanted to visit them, he’d known—though he’d denied it to himself the entire time—that they would likely want to discuss the twins’ lack of mates. Their mother had found a love match in their father—and she had been their biggest champion when it came to defending the two brothers against the elders’ insistence on mating young and often.

  When she had died in an accident, Garrett’s tenuous hold on his temper—notorious even among the twins’ community—had slackened even further. A month later, he still hadn’t quite lived down the spectacle he’d made of himself at the funeral. He accused fellow member of their community of wanting Alicia Bertram dead and having something to do with the car accident that had resulted in her fatal injuries.

  Morgan had insisted that he stay close to the family’s home after that. Garrett thought that part of the reason for the elders’ vis
it was to chastize him for the display of rage he’d committed—particularly since it was nearly the full moon, and not even his twin would be able to keep him home for that monthly event.

  “Sirs?” Garrett looked up at the sound of the housekeeper’s voice. Alexandra had been as much a part of his and his brother’s childhood as their own parents. “The elders have arrived. Should I show them into the room?”

  “Go ahead,” Morgan said, giving Garrett a quick, warning glance. “Also ask Claire to bring in some refreshments in a few minutes.”

  “Right,” Garrett muttered, tightening his arms over his chest, “because we totally want them to get comfortable and stay a while.”

  “You have no sense of strategy,” Morgan said, shaking his head. “We need to be polite to them.”

  “Need to? We could just refuse to do whatever they say and go our own way,” Garrett pointed out.

  “Oh--sure,” Morgan said dismissively. “And then we can’t change anywhere, or hunt anywhere, or talk to any of our own kind. Great idea, brother.” Morgan reached out and gripped Garrett’s shoulder tightly. “Don’t screw this up, G.” Garrett took a slow, deep breath, closing his eyes as he exhaled.

  “I’m not going to get us screwed,” Garrett said finally, opening his eyes. “At least, not if I can help it.” Morgan half-smiled, releasing his shoulder and turning his attention onto the entry into the living room.

  Garrett tried not to fidget as the four members of the elder council filed into the room: two men and two women. All of them old enough to be his grandparents, they had the lean and rangy look of their kind, along with the supernatural vitality that came along with the magic of their existence.

  Patricia Havers, Niall Elliot, Finn Blake and Astra Lamont would have been impressive even if they hadn’t achieved the highest rank available to their kind. Garrett had known about them for his entire life. The elders had attended his and his brother’s naming ceremony, and brought gifts to their parents for each of their birthdays until they’d become adults.

  Until their deaths, Garrett’s parents were in contention to join the ranks of the elders. His and Morgan’s father had passed away shortly after their twenty-first birthday, after an ignominious illness—far from a fitting death for a man who had always been renowned for his strength and discretion as much as his wealth.

  The fact that their mother had borne twins, when their kind were so rare—and struggled so much to bear young—had solidified her status in the community, particularly when it became clear that both Garrett and his brother inherited the full measure of their parents’ abilities.

  “Good afternoon Garrett, Morgan,” Finn said, inclining his head towards each of the twins. Morgan stood first and reluctantly, Garrett followed his twin’s example, leaving the couch to greet the elders. “I hope we’re not intruding too much on your grieving.”

  “It’s been a difficult time for us,” Morgan said, nodding as he shook hands. “But my brother and I are always willing to meet with you.”

  “Not that we have much choice,” Garrett added quietly, earning a sharp look both from his brother and from the elders.

  “We have important matters to discuss,” Patricia said. “Maybe we should all sit down.” Garrett bit back a bitter retort, forcing himself to breathe in and out slowly.

  “Please do,” Morgan told the woman, gesturing for the elders to take the other seats in the room. “I have refreshments coming as well.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Niall told them.

  “It’s our pleasure,” Garrett said, keeping his voice carefully level. He and Morgan re-seated themselves on the couch as the elders took their own positions in the other chairs in the living room.

  “I’m certain you both know why we’re here,” Finn said.

  “Why don’t you go ahead and tell us, just to make it official,” Morgan suggested.

  “The two of you need to mate,” Astra said flatly. “While your mother was seeking appropriate matches for each of you, we could turn a blind eye to your single status, but now that she is gone…”

  “There are many of our kind who resent the fact that you two seem to be avoiding the requirement to settle down and contribute to our numbers,” Finn told them. “We can’t be seen to show favoritism—and anyway, you two know better than most how precarious our population is.” Garrett resisted the urge to roll his eyes; their kind had never been particularly numerous to begin with—and in the last few centuries, the ancient group had suffered more and more from dwindling birthrates and high mortality.

  “My brother and I have been looking diligently for mates,” Morgan said patiently. Garrett kept his mouth shut, knowing that if he even attempted to add anything to what his twin was saying, he’d only weaken their position with the elders. “We want to make sure that we can guarantee a solid mating—a true bond that will ensure multiple healthy offspring.”

  “You’re both wealthy,” Patricia pointed out. “If you had really wanted to put an effort into finding a suitable mate, you could have paid even private matchmakers of the highest caliber to discover women that you would be content with.”

  “Our mother had a love match,” Morgan countered. “We want nothing less for ourselves.”

  “Normally, we expect members of our community to be in mated pairs before their twenty-fifth birthdays,” Finn told the two brothers. “Because of your mother’s efforts, we were willing to give you both time.” He shrugged.

  “But it’s brass tacks time now,” Astra said. “We need the two of you mated. Your collective wealth needs to remain in the community, and if you two were to both die without heirs…”

  “Then it would be distributed amongst the community as a whole,” Garrett said sharply. “It’s included in our wills, which were updated a month before our mother died.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “So it’s not like you’re going to lose our money if we die.”

  “But your family’s legacy amongst our kind would be gone,” Finn said firmly. “You’re both attractive mates for any woman: financially independent, good-looking, and powerful. You could have any mate you wanted.”

  “We’re highly selective,” Garrett said, forgetting his own mental command against taking part in the conversation. “I think we can afford to be, since as you pointed out we’re the prime steak in the meat market.” Morgan shot him another sharp look and Garrett cleared his throat. “Excuse me—marriage market.”

  “You can’t afford it anymore,” Patricia said.

  “We have come to the conclusion—particularly in light of the events at your mother’s funeral last month—that the two of you aren’t taking this seriously on your own, and outside measures are necessary,” Finn added.

  “What kind of measures do you mean?” Morgan met Garrett’s gaze, and even without their shared empathy, Garrett knew his twin wanted him to remain silent.

  “If the two of you do not find suitable mates, form an appropriate long-term bond, and produce evidence that you will soon have heirs, then we will arrange your mating for you,” Finn said.

  “You can’t do that!” Garrett scowled at the elders, ignoring his twin’s warning hiss.

  “I think you’ll find that we can,” Astra told him tartly. “If you refuse the arranged mating then you’ll be shunned.”

  “Have you already chosen our prospective mates?” Garrett pressed his lips together, suppressing the urge to cut into his brother’s question.

  “Hestia and Gwen Powers,” Finn said quickly. Garrett clenched his teeth, breathing in and out through his nose slowly to keep himself from saying anything; he knew that if he let himself speak, he would say something that would make matters worse for both himself and his brother. “Their brother, Tristan, has made a powerful case for uniting your two families.”

  “By which you mean he’s donated considerable money to the community funds,” Morgan said drily. Garrett smirked briefly, wiping the expression off his face once the elders glanced at him.

y are suitable mates for you both; and I don’t have to tell you how important breeding is,” Patricia said.

  “So we have a year to find mates on our own, bond with them, and provide some kind of proof that we’ve got heirs on the way,” Morgan said. “Otherwise the choice becomes the Powers sisters or exile. Is that about right?”

  “That is the deal,” Finn told them both. Garrett met his brother’s gaze; they had never had any real sort of telepathy between them, but they had spent almost every waking moment—and many when they hadn’t been awake—in each other’s company, and it was easy to tell that Morgan wanted Garrett to go along with the plan, to give in to the inevitable.

  “We accept,” Garrett said, keeping his voice carefully level.

  “We will be checking in on you,” Astra warned them, looking at each of the twins in turn for a long moment. “I would suggest that you both get to work on this as quickly as possible. It can take time to form a proper bond.”

  “And to conceive,” Patricia added.

  “Now that we have the business of this meeting out of the way,” Morgan said, smiling tightly at the elders, “let me have Sarah bring the refreshments in.”

  Garrett kept his mouth closed for the rest of the meeting, though his mind continued to mull over the details—the threat in particular—of the ultimatum that the elders had made. While neither he nor Morgan had anything against the Powers sisters, neither twin had ever liked their brother.

  Tristan Powers had always resented the twins; from their earliest school days, the other member of their generation hated the fact that Morgan and Garrett had any kind of distinction in the community.